Love, February.

As February(the month of love) ends on a leap day, here’s a special poem that I wrote as a tribute to the words and language that tie us together across boundaries, just like love ❤️

What would we do without you?
Without words, without language
How would I ever confess
I love you
How would I ever call
My beloved
Oh my love, come hither
And warm me, hold me
For just a while longer
Till the sun comes
Till my fight resumes
Hold me tight
On this cold February night.
All I have
Are these words
To give me warmth.
I have these words
To shield me
From the plight
Of this lonely night.


P. S.: Wishing you(and myself 😉) nothing but right in March!

P. P. S.: Image source:

Valentine’s Day 2020

Happy Valentines (or is it?)!

Oh what’s this game
Played with beating hearts
Love is its name
Cupid aiming his darts
Will it be a hit or a miss
Will we love each other to bits

The hit gives such a high
Higher than the highest mountains
But the miss
It dives deeper
Than the deepest oceans
Leaving crumbling remains
Of a shattered heart
And the heavy burden
Of an anchored soul
Anchored in the high seas
With nary another soul
In sight or flight
With only doom and gloom
For company inside

As I write
So I realise
I carry and I feel
The pangs of a beaten heart
More than a happy one
Is that what is special
About me and mine
That unique ability
To have a friend
In solitude and celebrate
To treasure my torn heart
To cherish the gaps and cuts
From which pour
My feelings in words
My art in colours
My passion in poetry

Maybe it is true
What they say
Having loved and lost
Is better than
Not having loved at all
Yes I am a romantic that way.

The Soul Spices

Life is tough. But, friends and family, sunrise and sunsets, clear blue skies and a warm breeze help us smile and get through it all. I think, a sincere acknowledgement of the nature, people and the planet that give us so much to live for, that spice up our otherwise mundane lives, is warranted.

It would do us well to recognize what we have and appreciate all of it, even the bad, because it has shaped us to who we are today.

It is always a good day to be grateful. So, here goes:

Warm words and smiles 
Emotions without art
A sky full of stars
Blessed souls one and all.

Life with its ups and downs
Bumpy and beautiful
Like, streams with rocks and pebbles

Oceans that feel like peace
Mountains that feel like home
Books that feel like a holiday
Friends that feel like forever

Songs that fill up the universe
Beats that rhyme and pulse
Yield sighs aplenty
Of joy and content.

Breathe in the divine
To believe and thrive
Breathe out, let go
To live and love
With abundance and amity
For now and eternity.