Midnight Musings (#7)

Girl on a swing in the City of Love

Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/woman-paris-swing-elegant-view-4761424/

On a cold night
Rainy but not wet
Heavy and set
Sat a girl on the swing
She laid down on it
And gazed above
At the dark black sky.

There washed upon her
A feeling of peace
And joy and content
And wonder
At the world so high
Quiet and clear
Without a sigh.
She fell in love
Yet again
With the too-bright city
That she called home.
She was in love
With its quiet corners
And silent spaces
Amidst the racing roar.

She fell in love
With life and light
That could surprise
Her sullen self
And let her feel safe
In the endless chaos
Of her self-doubts and dilemmas.
She loved that moment
That moment of feeling
Of being at peace
Of being distant
Of simply waiting
For the storms to pass by.
For she believed
And she held on
With all her might
To the thought
That this too shall pass.
And she will be the lass
Broken and wounded
With scars that smarted
But still stood tall
As a hope for all
To see, to learn
To have faith
In their own quest
To live life with zest
And plenty of rest.

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